
This is where I display my Sims 2 creations and offer them for download!

MTS2: http://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=1642364
Tumblr: http://decat2.tumblr.com/
Pinterest: https://au.pinterest.com/decat2/

My Policy:
-No Paysites please!
-You can recolour and include my meshes with your recolour, but please credit and link back here.
- You can convert my objects for other Sims games, but please credit and link back here.
-You may include my Items in lots, just credit me and link back here.
-Let me know what you do with my stuff! I like to know:)

Sunday, 28 October 2012

The Sims 3: Supernatural Conversions

I've converted some items from The Sims 3: Supernatural:

The Items are: 3 broomsticks, 3 book piles, 3 wand displays, 1 wand on a pillow, 3 potions (each with 2 recolours) and a cash register. All Items are Deco, found in Deco -> Misc. except for the cash register, which is functional and is found in Electronics -> Misc.

Have some more pics: 



  1. Thank you for the conversions!

  2. Love conversions!! Thank you so much :)

  3. Oh thank you! I love the wand racks especially :D

  4. You don't know how useful is this amazing conversion! I'm about to start a wizard world inspired in Harry Potter and this will help me to make Hogsmeade shops, specially with that lovely cash register. Thank you ♥

  5. That's exactly why I converted them! I was looking through the supernatural objects and thought, those would be perfect for diagon alley! my hood is Harry potter themed. Also, books are awesome. One can never have enough books!

  6. Hi again! I don't know if my last message got sent but I wanted to send you a link of the lot I made, have most of stuff made you made, like the quibbler recolours, and this conversions, I will give you credit for this amazing work, but as you say in your policy I send you a link because I will put the lot for download :)

    1. your lot looks great! you don't to ask permission to use my stuff in lots, but I like seeing it being used!

      may I ask where you got the manniqiuns/dummies and the shelves the hats are on? and the wooden recolours of the stands/pedastools the brooms are on?

    2. Hi! actually I can't remember where I got the hats but I upload them with the lot here http://vuokkosims.livejournal.com/12983.html :), the shelves are from here http://www.parsimonious.org/furniture2/pages/shops_k8-Alansias_Unofficial_Tourist_Information.html
      and the manniqiuns are from this set http://www.thesimsresource.com/artists/cashcraft/downloads/details/category/sims2/id/730621 I will look for the recolours for the pedastool, or if you want to (and you have account at Garden of shadows) you can ask for a WCIF, but if you don't I can ask for it :)

    3. thank!
      I think the witch hats are mine:)

  7. Wow, that stuff look awesome! Unfortunately, the Box link won't let me download (must be outta bandwidth)... :(

    Any chance of a new link? Please?



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