I've grouped the recolours into sets:
The green reference book is the mesh, and is grouped with nine TS2 recolours- six novel covers, the gold book from the reward bookcase, and the boy and girl diaries (Which I'm not sure are even used in the game).
The Skills set includes 24 TS3 textures, all skill and recipe books.
The Medieval set includes 11 TSM textures, and three TS3 textures.
The Fancy set includes 18 TS3 textures.
The General set includes 24 TS3 textures.
And my favourite, the Harry Potter Set! 18 textures created from official Harry Potter images and graphics from the RPF: http://www.therpf.com/free-harry-potter-paper-props/
In the RAR, The recolours are grouped into folders for each set, with the mesh in the TS2 set folder.
Sim File Share: http://simfileshare.net/download/8367/