
This is where I display my Sims 2 creations and offer them for download!

MTS2: http://www.modthesims.info/member.php?u=1642364
Tumblr: http://decat2.tumblr.com/
Pinterest: https://au.pinterest.com/decat2/

My Policy:
-No Paysites please!
-You can recolour and include my meshes with your recolour, but please credit and link back here.
- You can convert my objects for other Sims games, but please credit and link back here.
-You may include my Items in lots, just credit me and link back here.
-Let me know what you do with my stuff! I like to know:)

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Witch Hats and Brooms

Extracted from Apartment Life for use as Deco. The Brooms are three seperate Meshes with one colour each, and the Hats have two meshes with three colours each.

Sim File Share: http://simfileshare.net/download/8410/
Box: http://www.box.com/s/b0dda305951dfc10bfa3

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